The Age of Stupidity – I Know Nothing

What has happened is that society has gotten, I’m going to  say it, STUPID. Fortunately for some, technology for ‘smart’ gadgetry is running rampant and it can help organize your life; click ‘accept’ here and accept the fear of losing it along with the personal connection to others which you so crave yet can’t really find the right app. People will usually buy the next flashy, digital, larger whatever, and stare at it in wonder all the while confusing it for innovation and ‘evolution’. Swipe swipe, drool.

Possible causes for this are education (or lack there of) and as we have seen it politicized, it offers obedience training rather than questioning and discovering. There is little hope in that venue at the moment until the ideas are free to return. And total bombardment of the senses (or media mind control) everywhere of what to buy, how to look, what cool is and my favorite; the measure of success. Success cannot be measured in monetary terms as judged by others. It is the betterment of ones self with respect to global impact (and no it is not a global warming (is it still called that?) thing) and a self respect, which demands a better NOW for everyone. Let’s face it, the ’causes’ are endless and all lead to the acquiescence to the now which is false at an individual level.

‘The moral imperative of life is to live a life that detracts not at all from the lives available to those who will follow us into this world.”
– Don Robertson, The American Philosopher

What I get from that is that we are short sighted and seem to live with little regard for those which will follow. That our vision should not be about the next 5 or even 25 years, but beyond that, a thousand years or more. At this point in time, the only innovation that is created is something that will make the masses spend more and more in a continual loop of consume and throw away. The next flashy gadget or reaaaaalllllyyyyy sharp T.V. (stunned) is just around the corner or perhaps a watch which controls your drone while live streaming to social media is more your style. Sign up, click ‘accept’ and enjoy the ride as we really mess with your minds and spy on everything you do.

Our system of life though, dictates that we live quarter to quarter; the financial quarter. Where is all this money in the world going? It seems to me that there is a huge detraction of present lives being affected every day, let alone the future. How can there be a future when most cannot even see the present. What a waste of energies.

I’m a House What? Is that what our 40 hour a week enslavement is working towards these days? Feeding a system that is waaaaayyyy past its term (keep flogging that dead horse)? It has gotten downright … what’s that word? Oh yeah STUPID! Why are we still playing this game when there are plenty of resources for everyone? It’s the greed that begins at the top that is the problem. Sorry, it doesn’t stop there, it seeps down, and the roots have taken a very good hold. In case yawl hadn’t noticed, we are in the middle of a large money grab (land too). Parts of this post are 10 years old and nothing has changed.

Now the governments, at local levels, have begun to mark their territory and show the ‘citizenry’ who is boss. A by-law here and overstepping of grounds there and a ‘normalization’ from town to rural in their application. “We won’t raise your taxes” – instead they raise the ‘evaluation’ assessment which increases the taxes. All while the people complain yet do nothing but accept it as ‘that’s just the way it is’ as they borrow against the new evaluated price and embrace their servitude.

Controls are Tightening

Have you noticed how ‘travelling’ is starting to be a pain in the arse? Just getting ‘permission’ to leave or enter your country of birth can be a chore for some? Are we no longer ‘free’ to travel? Did I miss the memo?

Have you noticed that protesting is going the way of the unions? The death of cheered on by the armchair populous which critiques and is indignant that the ‘rabble’ is ‘unhappy’. So many opinions based upon nothing but soundbites attained while sitting in front of one’s television. Accept and move on, after all, I went to school and worked until pension, life’s not all that bad; buck up little camper. Search ‘protest police’ and get the picture. Their hosing, spraying, gassing, kettling and beating you for your own good.

So many more controls are happening on a global level. Same sorts of things are happening all over the ‘western’ world as municipalities begin to clamp down and show their strength. As populations are trained to ‘obey’ and where waving soldiers drive by in their toys of WAR. All this paid for by the people themselves; forever paying for their indoctrination into slavery – well at least they ‘OWN’ that.

“What a man believes upon grossly insufficient evidence is an index into his desires — desires of which he himself is often unconscious. If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.”
— Bertrand Russell, Roads to Freedom

I need to remember this quote more often as I am faced with the Arrogance of Ignorance of people defending their own indoctrination and slavery. Defending the most ‘advanced’ nation in history, waging wars on the least for whatever reasons are fashionable to you. The only thing government cares about is continuity of government.

Divide And Conquer

Ringing any bells for anyone? The citizenry happily divide themselves into preexisting labels such as left/right, anti/pro, this ‘ist/ism’ and that ‘ism/ism’ (insert labels here).

Now here is a concept that does work. Basically you’re the minority of the planet, but you want the majority to think your way. Well then why not divide and conquer? Fear is an excellent weapon here as you can make people be afraid of … anything really, even themselves. Make them afraid of each other, make them compete with each other. Make them so xenophobic that if the world was falling apart and their neighbor came by for help, that they would be too afraid to let them in (zombies anyone). Ding. Now keep plastering images of “good ‘ol” something (don’t forget the flag). Trust the product, trust the company, trust the experts, trust the government, trust US. Ding, ding, ding.

The only ‘unity’ I see is that of the LIE. Their belief in and defense of the lies which they must believe are true in order to make their lives REAL. The security, property, borders, competition, resources, ownership, all of it – LIES.  And the notion that it can be ‘fixed’ from within with a little tweak here and an ‘honest’ politician there are the self induced delusions which feed these lies.

Be Your Leader

It is in coming together as SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUALS that UNITY begins. That is the power. That is the TRUTH for real FUTURE implications. Not being led down some path for another’s gain through manipulative tactics which use fear, guilt, shame and punishment to control the ‘citizenry’. Some say that it is just part of our ‘social contract’ which we apparently all sign with umbilical cord fluid as we exit the womb. All waiting to ‘vote’ for the next chosen choice.

Survival of the fittest? No. Survival of the richest. Why would the human inhabitants of the world ‘choose’ to live like this? I will tell you that it does not take intelligence to make money. What it does take are cunning and a certain moral flexibility. What seems more difficult these days is simply getting over ourselves and letting love flow; an honest look in the mirror with an open minded reflection of NOW. For me, the former is much more difficult.

I will not assimilate into a society which is not social nor a civilization which is not civil. Step out of the Age of Stupidity and rejoice in your ignorance for there are endless things to discover and imagine. But what do I know other than nothing?

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